Monday, December 31, 2018

EnergyKarat, a gold energy card, helps us when we are under stress, feel tired, anxious or distressed; e.g. before meetings, public appearances, when taking exams, dealing with court appearances, before first dates or when experiencing reduced vigilance while driving. It helps us in all situations where we need to radiate confidence while finding courage and peace in our hearts. Shop Now at:

How to use EnergyKarat?
 One should carry the energy card, roughly the size of a credit card, on the left side of one's body, near the heart, so that the side onto which numbers are inscribed faces the body. Women can carry it in their brassiere while men can keep it in their shirt's chest pocket. One can also carry it in a wallet provided that the wallet is carried on the left side of one's body and that the numbers inscribed into the energy card face the body directly. One should wear it from 10 to 30 minutes each day; its effects last for 24 hours. Order Here at:

Treats stress, fear and lack of energy.

EnergyKarat is an energy card that helps us deal with stressful and fear-inducing situations: public speaking, high school finals, a big date etc. It helps us deal with situations that demand of us high levels of concentration and self-confidence. How can an energy card enable us to feel a certain way? A numerical mandala that contains beneficial codes is inscribed into EnergyKarat. Those codes transmit special vibrations and energies. They unlock the springs of our vital energy and help us connect to the very core of our being. Elevate Your Vibrations & Get Yours TODAY at:

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Karatbars Getting Started Guide - December 2018

Cryptocurrency BACKED with PHYSICAL 999.9 Pure Fine 24k #gold with #guaranteed RESULTS! #kbc Coins going UP!!!! #profit Packages Available from $1M to as low as $160! #guaranteed RESULTS of $0.40 per coin on 07/04/2019!!! #invest in a Profit Package today! Go to: #getconnected #gold #cryptocurrency

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Karatbars K-Exchange In 90 Seconds - Add Your Business Now!

If you  #OWN a Business... You can take it to the #NextLevel! Be a K-Exchange Center & Accept #GOLD as Payment! Sign your Business up at:

#business #innovation #ecommerce #kexchange

Multi-transaction ATMs available! A Gold - CryptoCurrency  & Cash Machine all in one! #getconnected

#Karatbars K-Exchange Why Being One Could Help Your Business

If you  #OWN a Business... You can take it to the #NextLevel! Be a K-Exchange Center & Accept #GOLD as Payment! Sign your Business up at:

#business #innovation #ecommerce #kexchange

Multi-transaction ATMs available! A Gold - CryptoCurrency  & Cash Machine all in one! #getconnected

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Gold Standard: A Brief History Of Success

ATTENTION: #millionaires #billionaires
Looking for a GUARANTEED #investment? Our GOLD Back Cryptocurrency $1 Million Profit Package is the One for You!
Our advanced and extraordinary profit packages allow you to participate in a regular gold bonus program, which runs for the duration of 1 year (365 days).
This package includes:
- 8,700 grams of Gold!
- KCB worth of €1,000,000
- 200% KCB Bonus (200% KCB on top!)
- 1,000g Annual Profit (Gold in storage)
- 12,000 Promotion Codes*
The amount of bonus gold included - i.e. Annual Profit in grams of gold - will be available to the buyer after 365 days have expired from the date of the purchase. If the gold is withdrawn from storage before these 365 days, the bonus forfeits.
#goldbackedcryptocurrency #kbc #kcb #cryptocurrency #401k #investment #bitcoins #millionaire #billionaire #oprahwinfrey #steveharvey #tylerperry#terrancehoward #gold
*The promotion codes include 100 gift tokens KCB, a 3% discount on gold purchases and a € 100 discount on the purchase of VIP packages.
This purchase generates 10,000 units in the dual system and grants you VIP Status.
Important: No physical product. You will receive codes in your account!
You can submit a request for delivery** of your gold/CashGold in storage at any time.
Legal Note on Tax Liability
We do not charge VAT on gold.
Please understand that we must charge VAT on digital packages. We have to add the sales tax rate in effect on the date the products are sold.
Please note: The coins purchased with these sets can be traded for the first time after the end of the Initial Offering Phase and the successful listing of the KCB on an exchange!
**Deliveries of physical products to your country may generate taxes, fees or charges that may be imposed by governmental authority on imports into your country.
Such additional taxes and fees will not be refunded.
We ask for your understanding.
#profit #opportunity #hedgefund #cryptocurrency #gold #goldbacked#digitalgold #bitcoins

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Karatbars 2018: KB Universe, Vision, Values, Mission Statement - ...

Somehow, people think Karatbars is for POOR people! That's so far from the truth and a mistake of an UNINFORMED person. It is for ALL people, worldwide, those with a little money, to those who are Millionaires and Billionaires.
We offer wealth protection, and wealth building packages from $160 to $1,000,000.00 Choose the one for you, #getconnected

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Harald Seiz' upcoming Biopic - Teaser Trailer

Has your 401k's, IRA's, Money Market Accounts, Mutual Funds, etc., been "INFECTED" by the "virus" of the Federal Reserve's System? Will they be? Of course they will! Protect your Fiat Currency by Transferring what you want to KEEP to Our 999.9 Pure Fine 24k #CashGold!
And to OFFSET your Taxes & MAXIMIZE Your REFUND, Join our Optional #affiliate program and get PAID on Referrals, Company Gold Pools, Transaction Fees, from our ATMs, our Banks, Shares in our Gold Standard Holding, our Exchange, our Crypocurrencies, our Gold, our Blockchain Smartphones, to Earn Passive Residual Income & a Whole Lot More in over 120 countries!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Gold Standard: A Brief History Of Success

Let those who have EYES - #SEE/ Let those who have EARS, #HEAR / Let Those with a BRAIN - #understand Then Register as an #AFFILIATE at: #getconnected to  Our Karatbars Universe & #GoldStandard #gold #goldrush

Gold Standard: A Brief History Of Success

How would you like to collect transaction fees, from our ATMs, our Banks, our Crypocurrencies, our gold, our Blockchain Smartphones, Earn Passive Residual Income & a Whole Lot More in over 120 countries?
What if I told you that it is No Cost for you to Get Started Right Away? Interested? Comment Below "ATM" to get your Start Up Information!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Karatbars K-exchange Licences - Add Your Business Now

Register your Business in over 120 plus Countries Worldwide for FREE! List your business here at: #getconnected #business #shopping